Letter: School District's vaccine information request 'goes against freedom'

Letter: School District’s vaccine information request ‘goes against freedom’

Editor: Re: Langley School District plans to keep a list of unvaccinated children.

Editor: Re: Langley School District plans to keep a list of unvaccinated children.

I read this and didn’t know where to begin of why this action is so wrong.

My mind went from freedom of choice, to ignorance of the health reasons why parents choose not to vaccinate their children, to yet one more action taken supposedly for “the good of all.”

We recently celebrated July 1 and the freedom we supposedly have in Canada. We are shocked and upset by the president of our neighbour to the south who seemingly is acting more like a dictator and taking citizens’ freedoms away on the pretense of protecting their freedom.

Keeping a secretive list of parents who dare think and do the research and decide it is healthier not to vaccinate their child is now looked at as suspect.

Thank God we still have freedom of choice in B.C. and most of Canada to make that decision. This action by the schools is going against that freedom.

Moving on to the health aspect – my now 39-year-old, as a child along with many schoolmates then, never got vaccinated. They all went to the same school. No big outbreaks or threats to their or others health occurred. I suggest that each person do the research and make up your own mind.

We have been fed the same party line by doctors, nurses and the health establishment for years.

It is now time to see the other side made by valid researchers, doctors, nurses, other health professionals, parents who choose to not vaccinate — all who are working for freedom of choice. They reveal information about vaccinations that you will never learn about from your doctor or health officials.

Pharmaceutical companies in the U.S. by law cannot be prosecuted or held liable for health issues that come from vaccines, they have a free pass?

Yet most companies have a vaccine injury compensation program to pay victims harmed by vaccinations trying to sue them. We should always have choice what we put into our bodies and our children’s bodies.

Considering vaccinations are made of many health-damaging substances including aluminum, mercury, formaldehyde, chicken embryo, foetal tissue; would you want this in your body?

Don’t believe me? Do the research yourself. We still have choice — for now, anyway.

Get the other side of the story, please. Let’s keep freedom of choice in Canada.

Maha Kali,


Editor’s note, the Langley school district has indicated that it will request information from parents about a child’s vaccination record, however parents are not required to provide this information.

Langley Times