Dear Editor:
After 22 months of opposition and a five to two council vote against the Banks Crescent development what does the Lark Group not understand?
Apparently they are back in town and have constructed a temporary access road off Bristow Road to conduct a test well on the Banks property.
Who and what is the water source for?
Will it be yet another attempt by Lark to fool us into thinking that any of their proposals will be viable?
Although there is nothing stopping Lark Group from investigating the possibility of a different project, did they not hear from their last landslide rejection that it’s still the wrong location for any sizeable development that impacts the aquifer, the roads and the infrastructure?
Are we going down the same path as before and allowing an out of town developer to do what they please even though it’s not in the best interests of the local residents?
The District of Summerland needs to be vigilant with reviewing and agreeing to any pre-work that may impact the Shaughnessy Springs and consequently the fish hatchery.
Diana Smith
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