LETTER - Shopper vows to stop supporting stores with automated checkouts

LETTER – Shopper vows to stop supporting stores with automated checkouts

Dear editor,

Dear editor,

Recently I decided to buy a few items from a large chain store. Normally, I don’t shop there as a preference and so it was many months since doing so. That preference is now a conviction to never again shop there.

During those past months banks of automatic checkouts were installed. Huge chains, as well as others, are hastening the day when as predicted automation will eliminate jobs. Opportunities for the less educated to earn a living is disappearing. In the long run, it is the community that is the loser.

Having had my rant I don’t expect anything will change. We seemingly cannot stop the advance of technology to replace so many of us but we could voice our concern when shopping at local businesses about this practice. Sometimes just using our feet to go elsewhere to shop makes a statement.

Jeannette Paterson,


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Comox Valley Record