Dear Editor,
I saw an elderly gentleman crouching, clinging to a lightpost outside Rosewood Court on 116th Avenue this (Thursday, Feb. 11) morning.
I pulled over to help and was subsequently joined by a male passerby and a couple who pulled over in their car (a white VW Touareg).
She used to be a nurse and took the lead role in our assisting the man to his buidling.
Once inside, the three of them joined him on the elevator, to take him to his second floor suite, at which point we parted ways because my vehicle was blocking the drive.
I didn’t get any names.
I called the RCMP non-emergency line to see if, based on the plates, they could send a “thumbs-up letter” to the couple; but without RCMP having been involved in the incident, their hands were tied.
I’d love to see the others get some acknowledgement for their assistance to the gentleman – if there’s anything you can do to make that happen.
Cheers in advance!
Amber Graham, Ruskin
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