To the lady in lineup at the bank: I am the ordinary housewife that you spoke of, who is embarrassed and ashamed of my comments that I made to you.
I never in a minute wanted to cause anyone any undue stress.
I am not really like that.
It was just a random comment that I never really thought through that was a very insensitive and, yes, very ignorant thing to say.
I guess over the years of seeing the constant fighting and bombing in the Middle East on the news every day I have, I guess, been desensitized by all I see and hear.
I never, in that split second of ignorance, thought about the finality of a country or its people. It was just a stupid, very ignorant thing to say.
I, too, feel for the innocent people of the constant war over there, especially the women and the children.
Really, my only true wish in life for my children, my future grandchildren, my family and the rest of the world is that all the fighting everywhere would end and that we really could all live in a world of constant peace.
It would be nice if we could turn on the news every day and only see and hear all the positive things that happen in the world, and it would really be nice if it were the truth — no wars, no fighting.
Name withheld by request
Editor’s note: Due to the nature of the original letter and this personal response, we thought it was fair to allow the writer’s request to remain anonymous.