Letter: Someone out there loves you

Some try the drugs out of being alone and this time of year I think it hurts harder.

Yes, some people do give up. Rents are so high and they can not find a rental at a price they can afford, so they try drugs to ease the pain.

Some try the drugs out of being alone and this time of year I think it hurts harder. Yes, we do need affordable rents, like $375 with hydro included. So many can only find part-time work, if they are lucky, then the price of food has gone sky high and lots do not want to lower them selves to go to the soup kitchen. For some all they have left is their pride.

All they want is a chance to better themselves. A warm bed they can call their own and to get off the streets. Sure some are addicted, but there is a lot of help here. If you do drugs now it is like playing Russian roulette.

Play it safe this year, ask for help. A lot know if a drug has been mixed with bad stuff. Remember there is someone somewhere that loves you.  As for loneliness that can be a hard one to beat, but just keep busy and it will pass.

Have a very Merry Christmas and a happy New Year.

James Readman





Penticton Western News