LETTER: Sooke’s generosity shines through holidays

We experienced some random acts of kindness from strangers in Sooke.


We experienced some random acts of kindness from strangers in Sooke.

A few weeks ago, I was in the store to pick up one item. At the checkout, I found I had no cash, and my cards were in the car. I said that I’d be back in a minute and went out. The checkout lady stopped me outside and said that the item was paid for. I was stunned. The lady behind me had generously paid, and at the moment, I neglected to thank her.

There’s more.

Last week at the same car park I found that I had left my mask at home and couldn’t enter the store. I improvised and asked my wife for her scarf. She obliged, and I got in a tangle getting it on – it’s six feet long – in the car. Then, a knock on the window. A lady had noticed my difficulties and deduced the problem. She offered me a mask, which I gratefully put on. Again, many thanks.

There are even more folks. Our friends phoned out of the blue and offered to share their turkey’s Christmas dinner and the trimmings with us two. Of course, we accepted, and all I had to do was drive around and pick it up. The turkey was delicious, as was the rest of the dinner, including dessert.

Sooke should be proud to read about the community who are so understanding, generous and quick to act.

Carole and Fred Whittaker



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