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LETTER: Summerland has been fortunate during pandemic

Case numbers better here than in other communities and regions

Dear Editor:

We are truly fortunate to be living in the community of Summerland.

Retired seniors living in assisted care homes appear to be healthy and COVID-free, unlike several places in the Fraser Valley.

Schools are in session here with no reported cases of the virus that has closed a few schools in Kelowna.

READ ALSO: More than 230K doses of COVID-19 vaccine administered across Interior Health

READ ALSO: B.C. nurses issue plea for all to follow health orders as hospitalizations spike

Except for the young, nearly everyone in Summerland who wants it has been given the first anti-virus shot and are waiting impatiently for their second booster shot.

The scare some orchardists suffered that their cherry trees were going to be hit with a late frost seems to have passed. Lucked out again.

Work in the housing industry has given a lot of people employment and things look good for the future.

Yeah, we’ve got it good in Summerland.

We have been so fortunate that some people think we can afford to flaunt some of the rules that apply only to other towns.

Some of us think we can do without masks and social distancing. We are lucky to be living in COVID-free Summerland – but no thanks to them.

Others believe that speed limits on local roads don’t apply to them. After all, Summerland has had only the one bad accident this year.

It has been hard, but I think our stubble-jumping friends are slowly learning how to negotiate roundabouts and school zones. However, some drivers still don’t know that you must signal your exit in a roundabout – it’s the law.

Let’s not let our good fortunate lapse. Don’t bring COVID-19 into town by taking any more trips than you have to this summer and above all – no flying – anywhere.

Play it safe!

Frank Martens


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