Dear Editor:
Summerland seems to be becoming a big city. As in some cities you have the same annoying pedestrians who jaywalk and enter crosswalks without looking for vehicle activity.
The corner at Main and Victoria is busy most days as coffee drinkers rush to get their fixes.
The basic rule for pedestrians is to pause, look in all road directions, and, if possible, get eye contact with drivers before proceeding to cross at the corners.
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I might also suggest that standing at the crosswalk and engaging in social conversation with other walkers is not a good idea as it doesn’t offer vehicular drivers a clue as to your intentions.
For this reason, I would recommend council install a pedestrian-operated signal device at that corner with a yellow warning and a red stop light along Victoria at that corner.
We also have another crosswalk along North Victoria in the vicinity of the Thrift Store.
The bollards at the crosswalk could use a light on top which could be activated by pedestrians wanting to cross.
These are common features in England.
This is a street where jaywalkers also like to take their lives into their hands. Perhaps a few tickets might be in order.
Frank Martens
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