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Letter: Support choral singing in schools

The culmination of lots of practices and superb leadership by the directors sees several choirs some together in a joint concert.

The culmination of lots of practices and superb leadership by the directors sees several choirs some together in a joint concert.

More singers than ever in our community are enjoying choral music.

At the same time, it is worrying to think that the school budgets might be skimping choral music. Parent-teacher associations, I hope, are aware of the need to bring back this most important aspect of the child’s education so that the succession of choristers can continue.

It was sad that the 2017 music festival did not feature one children’s choir. If you agree, please copy this letter to your school administration and ask that choral music be restored high on the list of budget priorities.

Meanwhile watch the faces of all the participants in the concert and realize how singing together is such a healthy activity even in our later years. The enthusiasm should start in our early school years.

Tom Brighouse

Salmon Arm Observer