“Love Where You Live” is a clean-up and beautification initiative. (Photo: Now-Leader file)

LETTER: Surrey’s clean-up campaign shows council has no idea how to run a city

'Love Where You Live' effors shows lack of leadership

The Editor,

Re: “Mayor wants residents to pick up litter as part of ‘Love Where You Live’ effort,’ the Now-Leader, March 11.

Once again, the council of Surrey is showing its lack of leadership.

Asking citizens to clean up the city? What a joke. Get your new expensive police force or bylaws to enforce littering laws. Sure, if there is litter in front of my house, no matter where it came from, I pick it up, but to ask taxpaying citizens is offside.

This entire group on council has to go, as they have no idea how to run a city. They only think about development, which brings more cars on all roads and the cutting down of more trees.

Furthermore, the road through Bear Creek park will not solve issues on 88th Avenue, as it is the main road east to west. The only thing this stupid decision will do, is ruin the park. In years to come this council will be long gone, but the road will hamper citizens forever.

Are there no adults in the room for these decisions, it is McCallum running the show.

He has to go. He’s unfit as a leader, he is a dictator and lives in Crescent Beach, in his own little world.

They all have to be voted out.

Rob Oliver, Surrey

edit@surreynowleader.comLike us on Facebook Follow us on Instagram and follow us on Twitter

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