With reference to Eric Foster’s letter to the editor dated Nov. 7, 2018 “Referendum is flawed” I must take exception. His letter states, quote “If, in favour of PR, voters are required (my italics) to rank three different systems in order of preference.”
The Elections BC guide that was mailed to all voters in BC shows a sample ballot on page three. The ballot has two questions (abbreviated):
One — Do you prefer PR or FPP? Two — Ranked in order of preference, which of the following PR systems do you prefer, DMP, MMP or RUP? On page three of the BC Elections guide it clearly states that you can:
– answer both ballot questions or just one — if FPP is supported you can still answer question two
– if question two is answered, you do not have to rank all three systems. You can rank one, two, or three of them.
Mr. Foster also says that voters were not “provided with adequate information on what each system was”. I agree that the information within the BC Elections guide could have been clearer and easy to understand, but adequate information was provided.
Please remember that if PR is adopted, “another referendum will be held after two general elections to see if B.C. wants to keep the new voting system or go back to using First Past the Post” (from page eight of the BC Elections guide).
Bob Sindlinger