LETTER - Thanks to all who participated in the Miracle Beach clean-up

LETTER – Thanks to all who participated in the Miracle Beach clean-up

Dear editor,

Dear editor,

The Beach Committee of the Saratoga/Miracle Beach Residents Association (SAMBRA) would like to thank all those who took part in a successful shoreline cleanup at Saratoga Beach on Oct. 2. We would especially like to thank Mr. Lewis’s class from Miracle Beach Elementary School who were enthusiastic in their participation. It is particularly gratifying to the committee that there has been a dramatic decrease in the amount of garbage on the beach since we initiated the cleanups three years ago at the same time as there has been a noticeable increase in beach users over the same period. The Beach Committee would like to acknowledge the work of the Comox Valley Regional District in providing improved facilities at Saratoga Beach including new washrooms, a change room, more garbage containers, cigarette butt containers, and dog-waste bag dispensers.

Paul Barnett,

Chair, Beach Committee, SAMBRA

Comox Valley Record