The Times doesn't have a photo of Patricia Renard on her motorcycle but if we did, we'd envision it to look something like this.

The Times doesn't have a photo of Patricia Renard on her motorcycle but if we did, we'd envision it to look something like this.

Letter: The time to start ticking items off your bucket list is now

Patricia Renard is about to check one off of her bucket list: the 58-year-old is getting her motorcycle licence.

Editor: I got the September 2016 issue of Urbanique. There were two articles — one on what I’m thankful for in my 30s and one about what I’m thankful for in my 40s.

I have written about what I’m thankful for in my 50s.

It is quite amazing to make it this far. One day you wake up and realize, holy smokes, I’m already 50. My children are in their 20s and 30s now.

It seems so impossible, time flies by so fast. Now I have five grandchildren. I am so confident in myself and happy with where I am, it is hard to believe that I can be old enough to have grandchildren.

Sometimes it seems like I just got out of school yesterday. But the years have sped by, and there are lots of memories — good and bad. Friends have come and gone, husbands have come and gone, and that leaves me with where I am.

At the age of 58, I decided that I have always wanted to be a blonde, and so now I am a blonde. And I love it.

And I always wanted to ride a motorcycle, and so now I am getting my motorcycle licence. And I just bought my own motorcycle.

It is an amazing feeling, riding my own bike down the freeway, with the wind blowing in my face.

I don’t know why I waited so long.

Just remember, when you get a bucket list, do it before you are too old.

Don’t wait until you are 90 in a nursing home, and look at that bucket list wishing that you had done all those things. Do them now.

Patricia Renard, Langley

Langley Times