Natasha Statham and her “poppa,” Roy Hubbeard shared a moment, before COVID hit. (Special to The News)

LETTER: The Year 2020, so much to be thankful for

Grandfather moved by granddaughter's positive outlook

Dear Editor,

Having been continuously working at essential service, I would be the last person to suggest that 2020 has not been difficult.

We have had to be busy disinfecting all surfaces that might be touched by customers, installing Plexiglas protective shields, regularly washing hands, using hand sanitizer, wearing the now infamous masks, and so on.

Our new normal has been difficult, and dealing with people who either deny the pandemic or disregards the health risk to all others have made it especially difficult – yet we have continued on recognizing that we must do our part to help where we can during this COVID-19 outbreak.

I have, too, considered how bad this year has been.

But it took our 14-year old granddaughter in Slave Lake, Alta. to cause us to appreciate the good things we have had during this difficult year.

Her article reflects difficulties that she and her family have had to face in previous years and makes us appreciate the things that are going well for us this year.

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This is what Natasha Statham wrote and sent to us, her nanny and poppa:

“2020 hasn’t been all that bad. Everyone says that 2020 has been the worst year, but for me it’s been pretty great. This year my dad wasn’t scrambling to find a job, my family didn’t have to move twice, I didn’t have to say goodbye to my friends. This year I am beyond grateful because I have a loving family, I gained a new aunt and cousin, I have the great privilege of keeping in touch with my old youth group, I have a roof over my head, clothes on my back, food in my stomach. I have more blessings than I can count. Everybody is focused on the bad stuff and forgetting about how many blessings they have.”

Kinda makes you think, doesn’t it?

Roy Hubbeard, Maple Ridge



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Maple Ridge-Pitt Meadows News