LETTER: Time for a swinging bridge?

The City of Chilliwack is truly blessed with many wonderful things, among them being the Vedder River Rotary Trail, part of the TransCanada Trail system and the Canada Lands Education Park Heritage Walk.

The City of Chilliwack is truly blessed with many wonderful things, among them being the Vedder River Rotary Trail, part of the TransCanada Trail system and the Canada Lands Education Park Heritage Walk.

As a regular user of the trails, it is heart-warming to see other walkers, joggers, bikers, and fishermen enjoying the outdoors.  Through many years I have seen the trail develop from a ‘simple winding single track goat path’ to a civilized, well-maintained walkway. For future trail developments, I would encourage the construction of a swinging

pedestrian bridge across the Vedder River.

The town of Souris, Manitoba has their swinging bridge as an important tourist

attraction, North Vancouver has the Capilano Suspension Bridge as their tourist attraction.  Perhaps it is Chilliwack’s opportunity to have their bridge.

A fine location would be at the site of the old railway bridge footings a few hundred yards west of the Vedder Crossing bridge.

Harold Schmidt


Chilliwack Progress