The image of urban camping from TOPIC, as sent in by Anne White for her letter. (Contributed)

The image of urban camping from TOPIC, as sent in by Anne White for her letter. (Contributed)

LETTER: Time to investigate our stereotypes

Resident Anne White talks about our negative perceptions around tents in urban areas

While reading through the Anglican paper “TOPIC” the other day, I noticed in the section titled “Around the Diocese” there were photos of celebrations and summer events.

Not seeing the caption, only the photo, my mind went immediately to “OH, a tent city”

It took a quick double-take to register the photo was not another TENT CITY, but an urban campsite in the neighbourhood.

RELATED: B.C. ‘tent city’ disputes spark call for local government autonomy

We are so bombarded with media, and the negative effects of tents and the people in them — we say they are creating their own city no less — I was immediately faced with the negative reality in my own head.

A photo of a lovely fun family camp did not register, and past negative images replaced reality with judgments and negative thoughts I was not even aware I had. I will be more aware of what is navigating my moral compass.

– Anne White, Harrison Hot Springs

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