Letter: Tired of paying for inferior trash pickup service

Letter: Tired of paying for inferior trash pickup service

Editor: We have lived at the same house in Langley for 33 years. When we first lived here we personally paid to have our garbage picked up.

Editor: We have lived at the same house in Langley for 33 years. When we first lived here we personally paid to have our garbage picked up.

It was wonderful.

The garbage company was friendly, thorough and never left a mess on our road.

Time has passed and now we are forced to pay for a company the Township has selected. What a difference.

They regularly “forget” to pick up our garbage and they constantly leave a mess on the road.

Today, I looked out the window just after they had “picked up” the recycling and they had dropped multiple papers on the road, they left them there for the wind to pick up and scatter throughout the neighbourhood.

To say this is poor service is an understatement and this is more common than not.

We are supposed to recycle items to make our Township and the world a better place, but the worst offenders are often the people picking up the garbage/recycling.

I have contacted the Township numerous times regarding this and it does not seem to make any difference.

I am tired of being forced to pay for inferior service.

Ginny Hardy,

Township of Langley

Langley Times