To the editor,
Re: Beefs & Bouquets, Nov. 25.
I noticed in the Beefs & Bouquets that someone wrote: “You can’t force me to wear a mask. My personal rights and freedoms are more important than your illogical fears.”
In other words – the writer has no thought for his family, friends or neighbours if they get the virus and since masks are now mandatory (thank goodness!) I guess he will be confined to his home unless he wants to keep paying fines. How thoughtless and uncaring. I find it disgusting to say the least. Most of us can hold our heads high and salute all the wonderful health-care workers who have a difficult and stressful job to do, caring for all the sick and dying. Bless them all. I applaud all people working to stop the spread of COVID-19 right now. As Dr. Bonnie Henry says, we will get through this together.
Theresa Kowall, Ladysmith
LETTER TO THE EDITOR: Virus vaccine anticipated
To the editor,
Re: Anti-mask protesters cause disturbance on ferry, Oct. 21.
I wasn’t too surprised about these so-called anti-mask protesters. They are being led by their mindset instead of looking at the real, bigger picture. COVID-19 is by no means imaginary but in fact very much the real deal.
These misguided protesters should have gotten a lot of enlightenment and a fine for causing a disturbance.
Finally the province has made masks mandatory.
Al Munro, Nanaimo
LETTER TO THE EDITOR: Appalled by ferry incident report
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