Canada’s chief public health officer Dr. Theresa Tam at a press conference last year. (Canadian Press photo)

LETTER TO THE EDITOR: Better federal vaccine planning badly needed

Why hasn't Parliament done more to protect seniors and care homes, asks letter writer

To the editor,

I write this as a concerned citizen, non-partisan and looking for answers.

Why have our elected MPs, regardless of party, not been more emphatic about the Liberals’ broken plan for COVID vaccine distribution?

Albeit all people are born equal, why have members of Parliament not done more to protect seniors and the care homes? After eight months, why is PPE still an issue? Why are the front-line workers – nurses, doctors, hospital staff, paramedics – having to wonder when they may get the vaccine while the incarcerated have groups lobbying for them?

Are we so socially demented that we can’t even reason on a practical application?

Opposition MPs are not part of the minority, they are the majority; Trudeau has to do what the opposition directs or there is an election. MPs should quit writing letters and put their names out there as defenders of human rights – the basic right to life, which starts with having the caretakers capable of helping us. Forget for a year, till COVID is over, all the inequities in the world and focus on the killer in our midst.

Bill Tansey, Nanaimo

READ ALSO: Trudeau says Canada’s COVID vaccine plan on track despite Pfizer cutting back deliveries

READ ALSO: Canada secures 20 million more Pfizer vaccine doses; U.S. border closure extended

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