RCMP should have shut down the camp as soon as the property was broken into the first day, says letter writer. NEWS BULLETIN file photo

RCMP should have shut down the camp as soon as the property was broken into the first day, says letter writer. NEWS BULLETIN file photo

LETTER TO THE EDITOR: Discontent City causing real problems

Any decent person can see the camp is overflowing and not law-abiding, says letter writer

To the editor,

Re: One petition opposes tent city, one petition supports it, June 22.

Since you have given way too much coverage to tent city ‘dis-organizers’ please be fair and allow me to give my commenting. The misguided advocates are deceiving and lying to all of us. They are uttering lines in a big made-up drama production which are far from the truth.

Did she brag her fellow organizing colleague was arrested a few weeks ago and charged with crimes? No. What about all the illegal drug use, ambulance calls and stealing even amongst the campers themselves. Friday afternoon there was a huge scuffle outside the drug store at Port Place. A woman, screaming she was from tent city, bit and kicked peace officers. She apparently stole stuff and wasn’t going anywhere without a fight.

Any decent person can see the camp is overflowing and not law-abiding. It is a camp of crime. Downtown has become a cesspool of disorder that is more unsafe and scary than ever. The advocate is right; police have done wrong. RCMP should have shut down the camp as soon as the property was broken into the first day. That was the first crime. This gang has been holding the city hostage and anyone smart knows you do not negotiate with criminals. Media must immediately stop giving a podium to liars and ignoring the thievery that is out of control.

S.D. Marsden, Nanaimo

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Nanaimo News Bulletin