To the editor,
Re: Tent city has got to go, Letters, Aug. 9.
For months now I have heard both sides to this Discontent City. I was at the courthouse in Nanaimo last week on another matter and was on the same floor as the court proceedings for Discontent City. Many of the players down there were in pretty good physical shape.
There used to be a law in this province and I am not sure if it is still on the books, that forestry officers and police could go into public places such as bars, etc., and could conscript immediately people to fight forest fires. This law should be reinstated immediately. The province is very short of people to fight these horrific fires. This would give these people that are very capable, both women and men, something to do and get paid and get three squares a day, plus they could pack up their tents or what have you and camp at the various fire spots in the province. It would be a much better bang for the taxpayer buck and help the homeless problem to a certain extent. They should also be drug tested as we were to go for work at such places as Fort Mac. If you test positive you immediately have to go for treatment and no handouts.
These capable people need to understand nothing in life is free.
Wayne Roine, Ladysmith
LETTER TO THE EDITOR: Tent city isn’t causing unpleasant interactions
LETTER TO THE EDITOR: Tent city has got to go
LETTER TO THE EDITOR: Respect rights of residents around tent city
LETTER TO THE EDITOR: Discontent City causing chaos
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