To the editor,
Re: Climate march held in lead-up to global strike, Aug. 13.
Carbon is not the issue. Thanks to a well-funded and organized propaganda campaign, many people demand government do something to avoid extinction.
There is a global problem with planet Earth. All of creation groans, not under the weight of carbon but under the weight of mankind’s sin.
Ever since the first man decided he could trust his own understanding rather than obeying God, sin has taken its toll on all creation. Not submitting to the God of the Bible man has unwittingly submitted himself, and this planet to the god of this age known as Satan.
The answer to the global emergency is not a carbon tax but a bending of the knee before God Almighty and repenting of our sin and invite Him to once again cover His creation with His Glory.
The fate awaiting those who ignore and mock God is the lake of fire, which is eternal and far worse than any global warming scenario Al Gore and company can concoct.
Jim Taylor, Nanaimo
RELATED: Nanaimo city council declares climate emergency
RELATED: Nanaimo students press for action on climate change
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