To the editor,
I could not believe that the people of Discontent City, who are squatting on city land, also they pay no taxes, even have a say. They got a reprieve by law courts. Why? The number of tents increases.
First of all, this is where tourists that come off of cruise ships. Passengers will see those people at Discontent City. I hope no one is harassed or robbed by panhandlers who get pushy and aggressive at times. The ships will quit coming to Nanaimo.
Most of the people at Discontent City are transients, druggies or have mental illness. It has increased crime in the downtown area. Stealing, break-and-enters of cars and homes and businesses. Lots of these people are known to police.
They should find out where everyone is from. Two years ago Alberta sent two young men from B.C. with a bus ticket back to Victoria. Do the same to those not from here.
Only a very few of these people would straighten up and go into housing. The rest could have the option to live in a campground type setup, which would be fenced for security reasons. Tent sites could have a wooden roof for each site for year-round living. Showers, storage, cooking facilities, information centre, security guards. Rather than millions upon millions for housing.
I am sorry, but enough is enough.
Dan Williams, Nanaimo
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