To the editor,
Some media pundits seem to be slagging the recent Icelandic election as proof of failure of proportional representation voting. This, the same Iceland that is rated one of the happiest countries on the planet.
Let’s flip the coin over. Let’s compare some of the great democratic moments in Canada (sarcasm) under our first-past-the-post system: 1986, Saskatchewan: one party wins popular vote, the losing party forms majority government. 1996, B.C.: one party wins popular vote, losing party gets government. 1998, Quebec: one party wins popular vote, losing forms majority. 2005 B.C. STV referendum: referendum actually won (57 per cent yeas).
Most of us want stronger democracy, greater fairness, equity for all and co-operation and accountability among all MLAs or MPs.
Clearly, in these Canadian examples, more than 50 per cent of voters did not get their choice as their representative.
Let’s modernize the voting system so that everyone’s vote counts.
Jordan Ellis, Nanaimo