To the editor,
Re: Victoria Crescent-Esplanade in line for intersection improvements, March 3.
A major waste of money by this city council and its high-paid bureaucrats, all of whom need to be replaced. These are not improvements to Victoria Crescent, they are major dis-improvements. Three crosswalks are in need of repair just a block away but the city chooses to spend money it absolutely does not need to by putting in a costly brand-new crosswalk and a new parallel sidewalk just a few metres from one that now comes down Victoria Road. The city is also taking away the right turn lane when you come down Victoria Road, which will bring traffic to a dead stop at the bottom while everyone waits for the light to change at Esplanade and Nicol.
You just cannot make this up – to spend and spend tax money, while screwing things up even more in the process. If ever the city thinks it has extra money of ours, don’t spend it. Give it back to us.
J.C. Broderick, Nanaimo
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