Conservation officers hope the public can provide information about who shot and left a bull and cow Roosevelt elk near Spruston Road, south of Nanaimo. (Facebook photo)

LETTER TO THE EDITOR: Killing elk for no good reason disturbing

Whoever is responsible should face jail time or community service, says letter writer

To the editor,

Re: Pair of Roosevelt elk shot, left in woods south of city, Oct. 28.

I’m dismayed and disgusted at the execution of two innocent elk. If society doesn’t stand up against this flagrant disrespect of our poaching laws now, we can expect to pay far more. This poacher should be brought to pay for all costs involved in disposing of these magnificent elk by conservation officers. They should have their firearms licences rescinded permanently and they should be fingerprinted. If they can be jailed they sure as shootin’ deserve to be. Either way, they should be forced to do meaningful community service to help them understand the seriousness of their crime.

In short, make a stern example of this poacher to the furthest extent of the law. This behaviour unchecked could result in far worse results. Society needs to voice its objections loud and clear to this poacher and copycat criminals like them. Take a strong and determined stand. We cannot dismiss their appalling behaviour.

R.M. Ireland, Nanaimo

READ ALSO: Three elk illegally harvested in the Cowichan Lake area in recent weeks

READ ALSO: ‘Lots of meat’ left on poached elk: B.C. Conservation Officer

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Nanaimo News Bulletin