LETTER TO THE EDITOR: Minority on council causing the problems

A few minority members of council are costing taxpayers a lot of money, says letter writer

To the editor,

Re: Issues surrounding city administrator costing taxpayers, Letters, Aug. 29.

What is costing taxpayers troughs full of money? A few minority members of council and their buds.

Mayor MacKay and councillor Brennan are now the two solely responsible for the dysfunction on council. Thankfully one of the crew, Wendy Pratt, resigned in disgrace.

I am a resident who represents an even larger group of citizens in Nanaimo who have had it up to here with all the whining and moaning from a few in the public and on council who feel it is their right to constantly give away our money. Thank goodness, many middle-ranking city managers have departed to other lucrative pastures and their departures are now saving us boatloads of money.

It is vile to read some trying to rewrite the Criminal Code of Canada to say hitting someone is OK. Samra is the victim. See above to find the criminals doing harm to our city.

The few who have held control of city purse strings for so long and their supporters are obviously freaking out like there is no tomorrow and trying to skew the honest facts, realizing their years of holding the city hostage are over.

G.A. Oliver, Nanaimo

Nanaimo News Bulletin