Letter to the Editor: MLA rebuttal

The question has been raised by the local spokesperson for the BC Liberal party asking what a “responsible” MLA report should look like.

Dear Editor,

Re: “It’s not about politics”, The Valley Echo,  November 21, 2012

The question has been raised by the local spokesperson for the BC Liberal party asking what a “responsible” MLA report should look like. It is suggested that a MLA report should simply be a bragging list. But I reject that assertion.

Every two weeks I submit a MLA report that discusses issues that have been raised with me by my constituents. I talk about what matters to them. And I share their perspective.

This bi-weekly report is a chance for constituents to see their views articulated in print. It is a small trickle against an absolute flood of taxpayer-funded BC Liberal propaganda. Surely we do not need more of that.

The BC Liberal spokesperson goes on to list a number of ‘accomplishments’ that he feels are appropriate to discuss in a public forum.  He lists specific files, and makes specific claims.

What he clearly does not understand is that the role of an MLA is a serious one with a code of ethics.

My office receives more than 2,000 contacts a year. My staff and I manage hundreds of confidential files. We work directly with Ministers and ministry staff, Crown corporations, local governments, school districts, Offices of the Legislature and community organizations.

And we never speak publicly about a case without the express permission of the participants. Every contact that is made with my office is absolutely confidential.

The BC Liberal spokesperson also claims responsibility for bringing many Ministers to the constituency. What everyone knows is that these Ministers should actually be in the Legislature attending a full Fall Session and answering the people’s questions in Question Period.

But the BC Liberals are avoiding accountability by keeping the Legislature closed.

Representing constituents as the Member of the Legislature is a great honour and privilege that must be treated with respect. That needs to be understood by those who hold the position and it needs to be understood by those who intend to ask for that position.

I will continue to work for my constituents and speak out strongly on their behalf.  If you would like to  get in touch, call 1-866-870-4188 or email norm.macdonald.mla@leg.bc.ca.


Norm Macdonald

Columbia River-Revelstoke MLA



Invermere Valley Echo