Letter to the Editor: MLA Rice’s comments on tax breaks ‘Mickey Mouse’

North Coast MLA Jennifer Rice is confused in her quote, as two per cent was the tax discount, not two per cent of the population


Re: Letter to the Editor – Liberals’ choices have led to hurting northwest

North Coast MLA Jennifer Rice  quotes, “While giving a tax break to the top two per cent of income earners (millionaires).” She  is confused in her quote, as two per cent was the tax discount, not two per cent of the population.

That’s very typical of Jennifer, as she never does any research on her topics.  The tax rate in 2015 in B.C. for anyone earning in excess of $151,050 paid a B.C. tax rate of 16.8 per cent.  This was changed in the B.C. 2016 budget to anyone earning in excess of $106,543 would pay a B.C. tax rate of 14.7 per cent.

NDP Leader  John Horgan  benefited from this tax reduction  as well as his friends, Gayle Duteil, B.C. Nurses Union president Stephen Hunt, director of United Steel Workers of Canada, Stephanie Smith, BCGEU president, and Irene Lanzinger, president of the B.C. Federation of Labour, to name a few.

Former long time B.C.  Social Credit premier, W.A.C. Bennett said that the NDP could never operate a peanut stand.  He was 100 per cent correct. Jennifer is paid a yearly taxpayer-funded salary of $104,009.66 and should address her comments based on facts and reality and not on lies and propaganda, which seems to be the norm these days.  Unbelievable and Mickey Mouse.

Joe Sawchuk



The Northern View