Letters to the editor should be no longer than 250 words and will be edited. Include your address (it won’t be published). E-mail editor@nanaimobulletin.com.

Letters to the editor should be no longer than 250 words and will be edited. Include your address (it won’t be published). E-mail editor@nanaimobulletin.com.

LETTER TO THE EDITOR: Nanaimo losing recycling education

Recycling today is not simple, says letter writer

To the editor,

Re: NRE funding denied, July 12.

I am very frustrated and angry with the recent city council announcement that the Nanaimo Recycling Exchange’s request for funding to build a new zero-waste, non-profit facility has been denied.

Our present system of curbside pickup and numerous for-profit recycling centres will not, in my opinion, move our city toward zero waste. For one thing, the new garbage/landfill cart does not, by its large size, encourage us to refuse and reuse, which are important aspects of zero waste. Secondly, my experience at two different for-profit recycling centres indicated a very strong need for education. An example of this at one recycling centre was a clear sign saying ‘clear plastic bags only’ and below this was a container filled with black, white and coloured plastic.

Recycling today is not simple. To move toward zero waste we need what NRE offered and promoted: relevant, effective, empowering education.

Lynne Alton, Nanaimo

RELATED: NRE will sell its land, plans for a new depot there are ‘over’

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Nanaimo News Bulletin