People’s choices to be immunized against COVID-19 can be complicated, says letter writer. (Priyanka Ketkar/Black Press Media)

LETTER TO THE EDITOR: Not all anti-vaxxers are anti-social

We need to open communication with those who choose no vaccine, says letter writer

To the editor,

Re: Forget ‘vaccine hesitant,’ try ‘vaccine enthusiastic,’ Opinion, May 19.

Characterizing people who refuse the vaccine as anti-social pathologizes individuals who might otherwise lead decent sociable lives. For the record, I got the jab. However, I know two people who refuse the vaccine.

One person has political reasons for refusing the vaccine, albeit hard-to-understand. Yet she volunteers her time, donates to charity, and when I struggled with my mother’s death, she fed me, grocery shopped, arranged and paid for meals. The other friend is a naturopathic doctor, and along with many in her profession, she refuses the vaccine. This friend is a loving, generous, and caring person who believes in an alternative holistic health approach.

Both these women return their grocery carts. Refusing the vaccine has little to do with anti-social tendencies.

At a time when we need to open communication with those who choose no vaccine, this column lacks insight and increases division.

Millie Strom, Nanaimo

LETTER TO THE EDITOR: COVID-19 immunizations are a gift

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