Traffic backed up on the Nanaimo Parkway near Northfield Road due to a motor vehicle crash in 2019. (News Bulletin file photo)

LETTER TO THE EDITOR: Parkway traffic intolerable

Nanaimo needs a highway interchange at Northfield Road, says letter writer

To the editor,

The northbound delays on the Nanaimo Parkway at Northfield Road are intolerable.

Northbound traffic gives up half the light to southbound left turners? I’ve seen traffic backed up half a mile on the parkway. Hey people, why not a delayed left-turn signal? There is a need there and because the NDP government of the day lacked the resolve to acquire land for interchanges, we suffer.

And c’mon City of Nanaimo, four-lane Northfield all the way from the Parkway to Bowen Road.

We must put an under or overpass there and learning from the lengthy delays and cost overruns that the McKenzie interchange in Victoria had, let’s get it done.

I suspect the NDP will once again fail us until traffic gets backed up to Third Street and there are some road rage and/or multi-vehicle incidents to answer for.

Grant Maxwell, Nanaimo

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Nanaimo News Bulletin