To the editor,
Re: Citizens voice concerns about crime increase, Oct. 3.
No wonder Canadians are fed up with politicians, Nanaimoites especially.
I was at the standing-room-only Citizens Want Nanaimo Back meeting at the old theatre on Victoria Road, in the heart of our city’s decay of stolen shopping carts and garbage, drug injectors and inhalants, street dwellers and those with mental health problems.
Inside, we listened to this politician and that, this bureaucrat and that professing what they claim they are apparently doing. Politicians like Sheila Malcolmson of the NDP blaming the previous Liberal government or another government for the nightmare and vowing more money will be thrown at the problems. A few hours in, after much booing and disdain from the audience, half of us left. We felt drained, let down and mad, realizing none of these high-paid officials know what they are doing or need to do. All we kept hearing was they are going to spend more of our tax money, not knowing what will work. Or do they even want it to? More employees, more non-profits, more taxes, bigger budgets – it’s a win for larger government.
Citizens will indeed have to start taking Nanaimo back, as the meeting was appropriately called. Governments obviously do not have a clue how to get the asylum under control and are only prolonging the misery for everyone.
Sue Marsden, Nanaimo
LETTER TO THE EDITOR: Harm reduction, treatment are the only answers
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