There are still too many uninformed as to why the situation exists. Too many refuse to admit that this is all caused by pollution, climate change and global warming, says letter writer. B.C. WILDFIRE photo

There are still too many uninformed as to why the situation exists. Too many refuse to admit that this is all caused by pollution, climate change and global warming, says letter writer. B.C. WILDFIRE photo

LETTER TO THE EDITOR: Point blame for wildfires in the right direction

Too many refuse to admit that this is caused by climate change, says letter writer

To the editor,

Now we have people blaming Premier Horgan for causing the forest fires, wow, what next? Our whole planet is being ravaged by increasingly violent forest fires every year; is Horgan to blame for all of these fires too? There are still too many uninformed as to why the situation exists. Too many refuse to admit that this is all caused by pollution, climate change and global warming.

The effect of global warming is the ever increasing number of forest fires and floods. Buying more fire extinguishing equipment is a fool’s way of trying to solve this problem. The only logical solution is to spend the money wisely by attacking the cause of the problem and not the effect.

Treating the effect instead of the cause seems to be the favourite time and money wasting tactics utilized by most who are in charge of solving these problems.This system of treating the effect instead of the cause is a never-win situation.

Just take a look at the unsuccessful attempts of those trying to solve our disastrous drug problems by spending untold millions on the effect instead of on the cause. If they used the money and effort to stamp out the obvious cause of easy drug availability, there would not be the extreme number of overdoses and deaths. A more effective way of educating potential users would be a good way to start, plus, instead of mollycoddling the pushers and suppliers of this poison, how about issuing some stiffer penalties that would more suit this deadly crime?

John A. Martin, Nanaimo

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