Front Street’s new bike lanes are a success from a cyclist’s standpoint, says letter writer. (News Bulletin file photo)

LETTER TO THE EDITOR: Re-constructed Front Street’s cycle lanes are user-friendly

Letter writer suggests only cyclists who have used the bike lanes should be allowed to comment

To the editor,

Having used the new Front Street bike lanes for the umpteenth time, and today with a bike group, I can report with experience that these lanes in their entirety are an unqualified success.

I suggest that only cyclists who have used them be allowed to comment.

Congratulations to Mayor Krog and the council for the changes being made to make Nanaimo a truly beautiful little town.

Allan Winks, Nanaimo

LETTER TO THE EDITOR: Front Street’s criss-cross lines don’t make sense

To the editor,

Congratulations to the City of Nanaimo and the private construction firms involved in the creation of our city’s state-of-the-art Front Street transportation corridor. Motorists, cyclists, pedestrians, and users of mobility scooters are now able to travel as equals while being safely separated. Well done!

Another positive spin-off of its construction is that we cyclists will now (I hope) use this route while riding our bikes in this area, rather than using the Harbourfront Walkway. Signage, from the port authority office to the Lions Great Bridge crossing the Millstone River on the north stating ‘cyclists dismount’ serves as a constant reminder that our bikes are welcome there as long as we walk them.

Nanaimo – a great place and getting even better.

Roger Lappin, Nanaimo

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Nanaimo News Bulletin