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LETTER TO THE EDITOR: Support mom and pop businesses

Letter writer fears there will only be corporate big box stores and fast food franchises left

To the editor,

I believe in doing what we can to slow down the spread of the coronavirus with respect to our health-care leaders.

I also believe we must make a concerted effort to support our small local businesses because they are suffering the most with the regulations and the economic downturn. Instead of waiting in line burning fuel in a drive-thru at a corporate fast food franchise, we should try out some local stuff.

Many small businesses are going out of business, reducing employees and as well there is little confidence to start one now. Most local businesses are owned by older people that had started at a time when families were more stable with the motivation and trust to build a future. Those days are gone now as the youth have more than ever been engineered to a different mindset coupled with the seduction of mass cheap goods available from overseas. After the dust clears my fear is there is only going to be corporate big box stores and fast food franchises left with a helpless population totally dependent on the system.

Many say it is a conspiracy theory that the global elite are using this pandemic to shut out local dependence and business for their gain and control. I’m not saying anything yet, but Amazon, Google, big tech, etc. are making more money than ever and their CEOs say nothing out of concern for small ma and pa businesses.

Holden Southward, Nanaimo

READ ALSO: Nanaimo can boost its economic recovery by shopping local during one-day ‘Big Spend’

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The views and opinions expressed in this letter to the editor are those of the writer and do not reflect the views of Black Press or the Nanaimo News Bulletin.

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Nanaimo News Bulletin