Daring Greatly will be playing River City Pub May 31 and June 1. (Photo via Facebook)

Daring Greatly will be playing River City Pub May 31 and June 1. (Photo via Facebook)

Letter to the editor: Thank you Revelstoke!

Daring Greatly thanks community for their welcome

Dear Editor, the Revelstoke community, our fabulous Daring Greatly fans, the management of River City Pub & Patio, and to all new friends made along the way,

The Daring Greatly band would like to express our sincere thanks for your overwhelming welcome back to Canada as the first stop on our Give Myself To The World tour throughout Canada, the Northwestern U.S. and Mexico.

You made us feel “at home” in your home, and we will never forget the faces, friendly encounters, and the positive energy that we experienced while in Revelstoke.

READ MORE: Daring Greatly playing Revelstoke this weekend

As we continue on our journey on this tour, and continue to “give ourselves to the world,” we can’t help but recognize you all for your encouragement and inspiration.

You Revelstoke, as a collective whole, give us the hope, and the fire, to ” dare greatly”. We’ll be back!

Dail Croome, Daring Greatly Band,

San Diego, California


@RevelstokeRevueeditor@revelstoketimesreview.comLike us on Facebook and follow us on Twitter.

Revelstoke Review