Letter to the Editor: The ability to produce results matters

People are tired of feeling left behind from the economic prosperity being experienced across the province; they want jobs and growth here


I felt compelled to respond to Ms. Rice’s January 25th “Guest View” column because I agree with her on one thing: the next election will not be decided by name-calling, it will be decided by results. Regardless of party politics, we all understand that it’s more important to elect the best person for the job, rather than voting for the colour of a candidate’s yard signs.

The ability to produce results matters. In my two terms as mayor during our city’s darkest economic times, I worked tirelessly for the conversion of Fairview Container Terminal as well as multi-million dollar investments into the Northland Cruise Dock, Northwest Community College, Acropolis Manor, and Transition House.

Fast forward to today: people are tired of feeling left behind from the economic prosperity being experienced across the province; they want jobs and growth here on the North Coast. We need an MLA who can secure investments for infrastructure, education, health care, and recreation.

I’m prepared to take my experiences – as mayor, working for First Nations, and advocating for our community within industry – to the next level.

Herb Pond

B.C. Liberal Candidate

Prince Rupert


The Northern View