Letter to the editor: Worsening of public education

I am dismayed, but not surprised by the Liberal government's recent volley in the battle for public education.

I am dismayed, but not surprised by the Liberal government’s recent volley in the battle for public education. It saddens me that Minister Fassbender has such little faith in the electoral system that he needs to wrest control of EVERY school board from the hands of the mere mortals (you and I) who elected them and gleefully take it for himself. It isn’t just that they cut $54 million in funding to public schools and gave more to private schools, it’s not merely the fact that they want to dictate the terms of teachers improving their practice through professional development, but it has to do with the continued demoralization that goes on as a result of this.

I love my job, but I can do it outside of B.C., and unless something changes for the better, I just might.

Parents, I can be dismayed, but you ought to be furious. Your child’s education is getting worse every year, despite our best efforts.

David PasivirtaMusic teacher FSS/IDES



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