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LETTER: TransLink’s opposition to interurban rail service laughable

Interurban connects key destinations at a fract of SkyTrain's cost

Dear Editor,

So TransLink, one of the most dishonest and unaccountable bureaucracies in the province, doesn’t want to reinstate the former interurban service.

So powerful is TransLink, so totalitarian in operation, that the regional mayors, the Minister of Transportation, and Premier John Horgan are deathly afraid of them and cower in the shadows.

Such power!

I must laugh when TransLink blusters and fumes why it doesn’t want a reinstated modern interurban service, such utter nonsense.

It doesn’t service key destinations? Really?

Is downtown Vancouver not a key destination?

Is North Delta/Surrey not a key destination?

Are Newton and Cloverdale not key destinations? Don’t tell the tens of thousands of people who live there.

Is KPU Tech in Cloverdale not a key destination? Please don’t tell the students.

Is downtown Langley not a key destination? I guess not.

Is Kwantlen Polytechnic University not a key destination?

Is Trinity Western University not a key destination?

Is the industrial area near 56th Avenue and 272nd Street not a key destination?

Is downtown Abbotsford not a key destination?

Is downtown Sardis not a key destination?

Is not Chilliwack a key destination?

What TransLink is really afraid of is optics, because for the same cost of SkyTrain to Fleetwood (approximately $1.64 billion) the region can build a deluxe, three-train-an-hour service from Vancouver to Chilliwack in each direction, providing a modern 21st century rail service using hydrogen electrical multiple units, or the highly successful TramTrain.

TransLink would rather build with the dated and now obsolete SkyTrain light metro, so land speculators and developers can build high-rise towers and condos for the provincial money-laundering crowd.

This begs the question: “Is TransLink building SkyTrain to benefit the public or criminal casino money launderers?”

Over to you, Premier Horgan.

Malcolm Johnston, Rail for the Valley

Interurban best deal for transit through Langley

SkyTrain believers don’t understand other possiblities

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