Letter: Trial of Senator Duffy will lead to no changes at all

Senate reform—don’t hold your breath on this, our present system allows people like Mr. Harper to be acting dictator while he is in power.

To the editor:

With regards to our senate, I wish to make some predictions:

1. Mike Duffy will not go to jail if he is found guilty.

2. Our government may pay Mike Duffy compensation for his ‘difficulties” just like we did for Mr. Mulroney, I say maybe $3 million might be enough.

3. Senate reform—don’t hold your breath on this, our present system allows people like Mr. Harper to be acting dictator while he is in power. Don’t hold your breath waiting for a referendum with regards to keep or abolishing the senate.

4. In the life of our country, Canada, our government will not admit to prior scandals of senators misusing their government funds as Mike has done. Maybe our senators are the cause of our massive federal debt since we have no real benefit from their excessive spending. What amount of money has been wasted on our useless senate over the life of its existence? Maybe this is about the amount of our debt?

5. We will never find out why Nigel Wright paid $91,000 to Mike Duffy (from his own account)—do you really believe this? There is more to this story and we will never find out—secrets of our inner government.

6. We will not see any “new” rules for senators written up for the future behaviour of their expense accounts—that would be too simple.

I have to admit, this is good reading and good news. What comes out of this, we will have to wait and see. Maybe one day we will see some kind of reform in the way we vote, i.e. some form of better government with proportional representation. First past the gate is not democratic anymore than appointing friends or favourites to the senate—what a bonus, such luxuries and huge pensions—you may not even have to attend or account for your spending.

Mr. Harper, I am available to be appointed to the senate, please give me a call soon, before I am 75, please.


Jorgen Hansen, Kelowna


Kelowna Capital News