LETTER: Trucks, not trees, are the issue

LETTER: Trucks, not trees, are the issue

Downtown Mission needs more than just sidewalk improvements

Re: Mission downtown trees cut:

They can do what they want but until the heavy trucks – logging trucks, dump trucks and those who speed through First Ave. are removed it will stay a dangerous area to shop along.

Maybe the powers that be should come and shop around on First, sit on the benches and take in all the traffic, noise, dust and rocks etc.

Lastly with a narrower roadway, the picture submitted from the designers shows smaller cars, well if the heavy truck traffic stays will the drivers not straddle the centre line more?

Some days it seems they are almost touching mirrors as the race past each other.

Maybe the residents from Mission just don’t care about this project and something, anything is good. But why waste the money on a Band-Aid fix?

Alex Bronevitch


Mission City Record