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Submit letters to the editor through our website, via email or in writing.

LETTER: Trudeau wasting tax dollars on vacation home upgrades, Langley man says

Renovations costly to prime minister's official government vacation property

Dear Editor,

Trudeau’s multi-million dollar luxury cottage upgrades at your expense. How much has Trudeau spent renovating his official government vacation property in Harrington Lake>

Trudeau required upgrades that included a tree house with a zip line, a $9,000 bee farm complete with bee farmers, a $6,000 organic garden, $13,500 to protect garden, several canoes and boats, and $2,000 to improve the ice on Trudeau’s private skating rink. Millions of dollars in luxury upgrades.

Liberal government has abused taxpayers’ money for their own personal use.

Dean Clark, Langley


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Langley Advance Times