LETTER: Trump has delivered on his promises

TRUMPMANIA: Advance reader calls for halt to attacks on the U.S. president.

Dear Editor:

I find it curious that after over a year the left cannot accept that Hillary Clinton did not win the election. [Re: Odd Thoughts: Special place for Trump, too, June 14, Langley Advance].

The U.S. method is winning the electoral college which the Republicans did.

President (Donald) Trump is accomplishing everything he said he would do.

There is an economic and stock market boom, reduced taxes to 80 per cent of American citizens, cut regulations to small businesses, overhauling the veterans affairs mismanaged the by Obama administration, rebuilding the ignored military, the senate confirmed his pick Neil Gorsuch to the Supreme Court, Kim Jong Un so far faced down, the release of three Korean Americans, cracking down on illegal immigration, revised Obama’s EPA executive actions that abrogated land owner’s rights, Obama ruled by executive actions which are easily overturned.

These are just a few of positive outcomes.

The best accomplishment is America avoided a President Hillary Clinton and Bill Clinton that “victim” of women.

Cherryl Katnich, Maple Ridge

P.S. I did not like Pierre Trudeau nor his fey and feckless son

Langley Advance