Letters to the editor.

LETTER: Two weeks has turned into two years

Maintaining a prolonged state of fear is unhealthy


Bonnie Henry has glory and fame. Someone named a rose after her. Every rose has thorns, lets look at Bonnie’s thorns.

Her two weeks to flatten the curve has turned into 70 weeks and all it has flattened is our economy and mental health. Two years of no Williams Lake Stampede, no Christmas, no ‘once in a lifetime’ events like high school grad celebrations. Now the hope and joy we had looked forward to, The Back in the Saddle Bull Riding Event, has been cancelled. Lots of the world is opening up but she is driving a stake through the heart of our freedom.

In B.C., during the first wave, thousands of jobs were lost, how unnecessary.

She has dehumanized the population with mandatory face mask mandates.

Mental health professionals forecast a pandemic of mental health decline in our population. Maintaining a prolonged state of fear is unhealthy. People are experiencing isolation, anxiety and depression.

Everyone who wants to be vaccinated is, so why the ongoing mask mandate and lockdowns? The unvaccinated would rather get immunity that lasts, the way humans have throughout history. Contract COVID-19 and be truly immune.

Alan Trenzek

Williams Lake

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