Letter: Underpass doesn't address Highway 1 traffic problems

Letter: Underpass doesn’t address Highway 1 traffic problems

Our worthy mayor and council are now recommending an underpass plan under Highway 1 and the CPR tracks to permit the people on the north side of town much-needed access to the main centre of the city.

Our worthy mayor and council are now recommending an underpass plan under Highway 1 and the CPR tracks to permit the people on the north side of town much-needed access to the main centre of the city.

The design would involve a two-lane extension of Ross Street and include a passage for foot traffic and cyclists all with appropriate lighting. Full costs are estimated at $12 million.

The advantage here would permit free access for the north side to town and also the removal of at least one of the level crossings of train tracks. It would also include an appalling disruption of traffic for all of the town for some months.

Related: City sets stage for underpass referendum

However the above plan does nothing to solve the immense cross-country traffic problem caused by the ever-busy Highway 1 that will still occupy our hopelessly overcrowded main street. Worse still are the eight traffic lights that must be navigated. This surely then has to be the main problem for the very small town of Salmon Arm.

In answer to the above dilemma I have prepared an involved plan for the far future of our fair city. I have already placed the document with the mayor for her consideration. I will only be too glad to supply the plan to all in the city that wish to have a copy. Email: abbdick@shaw.ca.

C.H. Dyke

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