Dear editor,
Re: U.S. citizen thankful to be Trudeau’s Canada, Aug. 9 letter.
Unlike Ms. Berens who “became a U.S. citizen in order to vote” I made sure I was a Texan and the vote came automatically.
In our most recent election I felt I was given a choice between a part-time jerk and a full-time crook and took my chance on the redhead. Draining the swamp and restoring our respect are always appealing rhetoric but lo and behold the guy’s actually doing it. Shame on our wimpy legislators who rode his coattails into office but now lack the guts to walk their talk. Just ask businesses about reduced government regulations (if one is added, two must be eliminated) and huge tax reductions. And how marginalized workers all feel about their “lowest unemployment rates in history.”
And if “losing Medicare” refers to tossing the many bad aspects of Obamacare, Mr. Trump is on the right track with most Americans.
Ms. Berens may also be deceived by media who have the uncanny ability to sit in a New York office (or saloon?) and perceive inhumane conditions on the far away Texas border. Beginning with Mexico and Canada what countries choose not to separate children from parents who break a law which requires incarceration? Is it more humane to toss the kids in too or just turn the lawbreakers, whatever their crime, back loose on society?
I would bet my six shooters that if anything approaching inhumane treatment was occurring the guilty would soon be separated from their children and on the way to jail. Maybe extreme long-distance vision rides again?
I am inclined to take Ms. Berens’ advice and not listen to what President Trump says, but gratefully praise what he does and will leave it to others to judge Mr. Trudeau.
True knowledge does not come from wanting to listen to only one side.
Al Schwerman,
Union Bay