A local letter writer counters arguments made by another regarding vaccination and COVID passports. (Black Press Media file)

LETTER: Unvaccinated only prevented from elective venues: Langley resident

People can choose not to vaccinate but expect consequences, writer says

Dear Editor,

Re: [LETTER: Vaccination passport heavy handed, Langley woman argues, Langley Advance Times, Aug. 26]

I am writing in response to the letter by Kathy Noort published in the August 26 edition of the paper.

In expressing her outrage at the requirement to have a vaccine passport to “enjoy the simplicities of life in the community,” Kathy seems to totally ignore the facts as well as the health and safety of other members of the community.

First for the facts. There are numerous outdoor activities that an unvaccinated person will continue to be able to enjoy without a vaccine passport.

Secondly there is no invasion of privacy since the passport will only be required for optional activities which Kathy can choose not to participate in.

Thirdly the Pfizer vaccine is now fully approved.

Finally there are no organized religious groups in Canada that have stated an objection to their members being vaccinated.

The real problem with her outrage is that it ignores the health and safety of all of us who have been vaccinated as well as our children and grandchildren who cannot be vaccinated.

About 84 per cent of new COVID cases are among the unvaccinated or partially vaccinated. Sure 16 per cent are fully vaccinated individuals, but most of those are only getting very minor illness. The fully vaccinated generally get COVID when an unvaccinated person is spreading it.

Being vaccinated or not is a very personal issue.

Mingling in the community if you choose not to be vaccinated is a community issue not a personal issue.

David Nielsen, Walnut Grove


• READ MORE: Proof of vaccination to be required for B.C. sports, movies, restaurants

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