If you have a letter you’d like to submit to the editor for consideration, please email us at editor@mapleridgenews.com. Look forward to hearing your thoughts.

If you have a letter you’d like to submit to the editor for consideration, please email us at editor@mapleridgenews.com. Look forward to hearing your thoughts.

LETTER: Upset by province’s stance against Lower Mainland hospice

Vocal Maple Ridge anti-MAiDs advocate opposes cancelling of contract with Delta facility

Dear Editor,

Shared letter originally directed to Maple Ridge-Pitt Meadows MLA Lisa Beare:

[RE: B.C. terminates contract with hospice society refusing assisted death, Feb, 25, The News online]

It is illegal for your government to confiscate private property owned by a private society just because the organization refuses to provide sanctioned murder [Editor’s note, this refers to MAiDs or Medical Assistance in Dying, which became legal in Canada – along with assisted suicide – in June 2016].

I would like you to stop your government’s communist, draconian, and illegal actions against the Delta Hospice Society.

I look forward to your response outlining your intentions on this illegal confiscation of private property.

Laurie Geschke, Maple Ridge


• If there is more to this issue, please let us know about it. Email us at editor@mapleridgenews.com. We look forward to hearing from you. In the meantime, like us on Facebook or follow us on Twitter.

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